Virtual Scar Tissue Treatment After Top Surgery

Fascia Release™ for Top Surgery

Improve your fascial mobility and healing after top surgery with inclusive care specific to you.

After top surgery, it is common to have tension and range of motion restrictions as well as postural issues related to binding.

It’s important to address these mobility restrictions early after top surgery to optimize function and strength.

For one-on-one post-operative care, we will:

  • Discuss your recovery and experience

  • Create a program that is specific for you to help your shoulders lay in a neutral posture, re-center your body, and create optimal mobility

  • Address mobility and then strength so we can build the pec muscles up, creating the visual and physical upper body that you want without having the tissue tighten up again

You will need a foam roller and a massage ball. Check the Props page for my recommendations.

Ready to work together?

Self Paced Course


15 weeks of weekly mini Fascia Release™ specifically tailored to Top Surgery scarring and movement needs sent directly to your email.

Private Session

From $85

Packages Available