AntiRacism at Brooklyn Strength




Brooklyn Strength is, and has always been, an inclusive fitness and wellness studio. Brooklyn Strength stands with Black Lives Matter. I believe it’s important to be visible and verbalize solidarity, it’s also important to turn that solidarity into changes in our behavior. To that end:


During the summer of 2020 I began an Antiracism small business owners group based on the tenants of the Hello Seven Town Hall.


We met monthly over zoom for over a year and continue to meet when we need feedback, and to discuss ways we can sustainably support the BLM movement within our small scope of reach and resources.


From these conversations I began a run group that collectively donated to a BLM cause each month. From there I hosted several classes and events which donated to the family of Ahmaud Arbery, and Stacy Abrams and the organization Fair Fight. Each month the studio makes a recurring donation to Vibe Theater a Brooklyn based theater company that specifically works with BIPOC teenage girls.


I have committed to hiring non-white freelancers whenever possible (which is very possible with a little necessary effort). I regularly partner with Trans, Queer and BIPOC based organizations to reach people who could benefit from my work or who may not have the financial means. Most recently I was hosted by Pink Peacock in Glasgow Scotland.


I moved the studio scheduling system from a large corporation to a BIPOC female-run small tech company. We eventually outgrew the capabilities of that company but I keep it listed here in case anyone else might hire them.


I have committed, along with the Small biz AntiRacism Group, to continuing to wade into the potential discomfort of posting regularly about BLM and actionable items to my social following as a way to assist keeping the BLM Movement part of our daily discourse and not just a memory of 2020 summer. To that end I have a regular ‘anti-racism’ section in my newsletter which promotes Black Owned businesses and anti-racism resources.


In my personal life I regularly review what my most recurring purchases are, such as hair care, cosmetics, cleaning products etc. and shift to Black or BIPOC owned businesses, or if not available, small or female owned businesses.


These steady incremental changes mean I have shifted a size-able portion of my small income out of large corporations and the white patriarchal structure that oppresses us all (including white cis men) and into the pockets of people and communities that align with BLM, humanitarian, and my personal values. This is by no means an exhaustive list but is here as evidence of my commitment and continued effort to stand by my values personally and professionally.