Nourish Yourself:

NY is a virtual 7 week support system to give you the foundation and accountability to finally stop eating with guilt and anxiety.

Learn what your body needs and how to balance that with the variability of life.

Get practical tools to shop, cook and snack with confidence. We will create a neutral plan to feed yourself that you can ALWAYS return to when vacations, illness, stressful events and celebrations interrupt.

Stop the guilt cycle. Get the information to be the reasonable eater you know you can be.


Stop living in a guilt/shame/chaos cycle. Learn to NOURISH YOURSELF.

Stop living in a guilt/shame/chaos cycle. Learn to NOURISH YOURSELF.

What is included:


February, 2025 TBD


7 weeks.


February 2025

Included Tier 1:

3 one-to-one virtual sessions with Cadence (30 min)

3 self paced virtual workshops with Cadence on topics to help us understand our needs and goals. (60min ea)

Expert cooking, shopping and recipe advice and resources from Christina Chaey via weekly downloadable PDFs


Tier 1: $TBD Tier 2: $TBD

Included Tier 2:

3 one-to-one virtual sessions with Cadence (30 min)

3 self paced virtual workshops with Cadence on topics to help us understand our needs and goals. (60min ea)

2 Live Virtual Group Coach call with Cadence, Christina and the group participants.

Support via private group chat from Cadence, Christina and co-participants.

Private Live Virtual group Cooking class led by Christina Chaey!


In this course I give you solid information so YOU can make the right choices for you. We will also meet weekly one-to-one to go over YOUR needs, YOUR schedule, YOUR triggers to figure out a way of NOURISHING YOURSELF that makes sense for YOU.

Christina Chaey

Christina Chaey, recipe developer and food writer will be providing you with recipes, pantry guides, technique guides AND she’ll be part of our private group chat to help you plan and cook your meals like a pro!

3. Digestion:


Bring your digestive distress from heartburn to constipation, potty talk is useful! When we know how our body works, we tend to make choices based on respect not distrust.

Find out how our body takes everything from gummy bears to kale shakes and makes them you or not you. This the last workshop and a fun one. Take your new potty info with you to regale your friends and family and most of all to feel your best!

1. Basics of Food:


What are carbs, proteins, fats, sugars, gluten? How do you know if you're getting enough? What variables do we need to keep in mind? How does caffeine and alcohol affect us and why does it matter? Don't worry I won't ask you to give them up!

2. Throwing out your Scale & Weight loss:


What are we measuring when we measure our weight/BMI and the various metrics that are as ubiquitous as they are largely useless. When are they useful?

What is a calorie and what if it's not real? We'll take on the heavy subject of actively trying to lose weight! How best to do it if you want to, and all the things to ignore if you do.

We'll also discuss common misinformation around hormones and diet fads when it comes to weight gain/loss.

This is a biggie and may be triggering! Please remember this is NOT a weight loss program and I will NOT be prescribing weight loss support or plans. This is basic info so you can make the best choices for you.

You get access to:


Included in Tier 1 and 2:

Three self paced virtual workshops with Cadence on topics to help us understand and even re-frame our needs and goals.


Included in Tier 1 and 2:

Approachable weekly goals with comprehensive food lists, recipe ideas, cookbook reccs and research/related articles provided by Cadence and Christina! You will receive an intake form after signing up to help Cadence and Christina better understand and meet your needs.


Included in Tier 1 and 2:

Three one-to-one virtual sessions with Cadence to discuss your life, your needs and make a plan that works for YOU.


Included in Tier 2 Only:

Access to private chat group to share recipes, frustrations, ask Cadence, Christina and the group questions, celebrate wins and of course post FOOD PICS!


If you have any questions about the group please reach out to Cadence at

  • Most of us have had some level of Eating Disorder in our lives whether mild or severe, and while many of us no longer do the things we used to do when we were restricting or bingeing, we may find ourselves in a no man’s land of ‘ I know what I shouldn’t do.. but I don’t know what I SHOULD do.’ I want to give you the knowledge to make choices that work for you, your body and your lifestyle. My hope is that armed with information you can quiet the guilt and worry that accompanies so many of us to every meal. Have the info to ignore the the latest fad or ‘non dairy, no gluten, sugar free’ nonsense. If you are currently struggling with a severe ED or are in treatment for an ED, this course may not be right for you at this time. Please feel free to DM me or email me at to discuss in more detail.

  • You should be ready to spend some time grocery shopping and cooking. We will also be practicing a no calorie counting style of food journaling. Can’t cook? Don’t worry - that’s part of our goals. You don’t have to have skills beyond boiling water. I promise. We will baby step you into kitchen confidence - a huge part of better eating. Already a chef! Amazing! We’ll inspire you to cook what makes you and your body happy and figure out what’s holding you back in the meantime. Food journaling will give us information about our choices and the fluctuations of our days and weeks. You don’t have to, if you don’t want to, but it will be helpful to see a bigger picture of your patterns, and help me help you create solutions that work for you.

  • You get pre-recorded Workshops covering the topics that will empower you to make decisions that work for you.

    In addition you get private access to Cadence via three 30 minute Virtual one-to-one sessions to deep dive on your needs, goals and obstacles.

    You will have recording access to the workshops and the ability to book your one-to-one sessions for 8 weeks from our start date. Sessions are subject to our 24 hour cancellation policy.

    Tier 2 members will also have access to a private group chat where we can exchange recipes, ideas, frustrations, questions and celebrations!

  • While we each may have different goals, we all want to feel nourished and peaceful when it comes to food and our bodies. This is not a weight loss program. This is a balanced program. Diets are rarely balanced and rarely support our overall vitality. We will discuss ‘weight loss’ and what that means. It is also very possible that when you begin eating in a more balanced way, you may lose some weight, you may have more energy which enables you to be more active. These are nuances that are unique to each of us. If you want to ‘lose weight’ this might be the best course you ever take or it might be really frustrating for you depending on your values going into it.

    The primary goal is to provide a supportive community, and a structured approach to the daily challenges that get between feeding ourselves with health and vitality rather than sad snacks and guilt cycles. My hope is you will finish the course with tools you can use for a lifetime, the knowledge to modify as your life changes, and know-how to best support your body and you!