Fascia Release™
for Top Surgery
As a teacher I have always worked with clients who have scar tissue, surgery and complex circumstances creating restriction or discomfort in their bodies. The folx receiving Top Surgery are often very young, and face integrating the massive physical shift of a post-op torso without much guidance.
The self-paced series, private sessions and workshops are designed to specifically address the tension and range of motion restriction that is common to post operative Top Surgery, including postural issues related to binding.
Private sessions are an open space to discuss issues specific to your recovery and experience. Together we will create a program to help your shoulders lay easefully in a neutral posture and your body to re-center to it’s new sense of self.
Once we’ve created mobility, many of my clients start Strength training with me. We can build the pec muscles up from a functional place and create the visual, physical upper body you want without tightening everything back into chronic tension.
Already ready to build up your body? Let’s jump right in! I will work from an informed place about your scar tissue and potential restrictions so you can focus on you.
You will need a foam roller and a massage ball. Check the Props page for my reccomendations.
Self Paced Course
15 weeks of weekly mini Fascia Release™ specifically tailored to Top Surgery scarring and movement needs sent directly to your email.
Private session
from $85
Packages available!
See more at @instagram