Self-Paced All Inclusive Summer Series

Get STRONG, BALANCED and CONNECTED all summer long!

ALL our classes in one Summer Series!

No need to choose! Try EVERY class!

No need to choose! Try EVERY class!

You will need a comfortable yoga mat and weights to fully enjoy these classes.

Skill level:

All classes are open to all levels and bodies. Modifications are always given and demonstrated including ways to make movements more challenging.

Two Kettlebells at 15 and 25 lbs are recommended or a set of dumbbells of a weight you can lift overhead with some effort. All weights should be over 5lbs.


All classes are 30 minutes.


$275 Early Bird

$375 Regular Price


6 30 minute All Levels Full Body Strength and Mobility

6 30 Minute Anti-Anxiety Cardio

6 30 Minute Restorative Pilates

2 30 Minute Live Virtual Sessions with Cadence


Self-Paced, complete in your own time*

Full Body Strength - 30 minutes

Anti-Anxiety Cardio- 30 minutes

Restorative Pilates- 30 minutes

*includes 12 weeks of class access

Included in the All Inclusive Summer Series:


All classes are pre-recorded, and available for 12 weeks after purchase date.

After access ends you will be invited to our secret membership with ongoing access to our class archives and live classes.

Membership rates vary from $99/mo to $220/mo depending on which membership level you choose. Full details will be sent to you via email.

Restorative Pilates:

Pilates keeps us pain and injury free. This class focuses is on the muscles and movements that keep us balanced and comfortable; hip stabilizers, core, shoulder stabilizers, and low back.

Creative classes inspire play, and coax the boundaries of our strength and mobility. A quick re-balance before you head to the beach!

All levels friendly, modifications given for those brand new to Pilates.

All Levels Strength:

Grab your kettlebells (or dumbbells!) this class will leave you feeling strong, mobile, and recharged for the rest of your day!

After a quick warm up, we’ll do 20 minutes of solid strength & mobility training. No complex choreography, just total body strength to build power and stamina.

Class is all levels friendly - modifications are ALWAYS offered and demonstrated

Anti-Anxiety Cardio:

AACardio includes a warm up, cool down + bouncy, high and low impact cardio to get the calm, collected chemicals flowing through your body and mind.

Don’t be scared! There’s no ‘choreography’ or dance moves, just simple straight forward good-vibes sweating fun.

This class is open to all levels and abilities; low impact, half-pace versions are always demonstrated.

Unsure which Series is right for you?


  • Taking classes at Brooklyn Strength has changed how I view my body. Chronic pain has been part of my life for years, and I never saw myself as someone who had the potential for strength. Working with Cadence has helped me understand how to trust my body, and I now know that I will always find a way to work with whatever issues arise. It's been a remarkable journey, and I'm so grateful.


  • Brooklyn Strength's Strength and Contrology class has been such a bright light, in recent times. A challenging and fun class of kettlebells, strength and the occasional ground rolling. Cadence's teaching style is welcoming and non-intimidating - lots of support and feedback throughout class. She goes through every move and makes sure that we understand them. If you're new to kettlebells, don't worry - they offer a beginners series too. Kettlebells are fun - you'll have a swingin' good time!


  • Cadence changed my life through Fascia Release - after years of TMJ and back pain I learned real methods for pain relief through her classes and private sessions. Cadence is also so generous with her extensive knowledge of anatomy and movement; she will teach out how to take care of your own body rather than just relying on others for help.


  • Cadence is exceptionally knowledgeable and talented when it comes to the healing the body. I took her fascia release classes when I lived in Brooklyn and have been missing them dearly ever since I moved away. Truly the highlight of the switch to a virtual world this crappy year, has been getting to do fascia release with her again. I learn so much every time and always walk away feeling like a new woman.


What do you need for virtual privates and classes?

  • Be sure you have a good internet connection and a device where you can clearly see the screen. A phone or tablet is great in a pinch but I will not be able to see much of you. Laptop or Desktop is a great option to see me while also allowing me to see you! Try casting to your smartTV from your computer to see me on the big screen!

    Crappy internet connection? Try running a speed test to be sure your internet can handle video streaming. You can also use a booster like eero to be sure your internet stays strong no matter how many devices are active in your household.

    If you don’t already have an external webcam, and you plan to take multiple series or private sessions, consider purchasing an inexpensive web camera that will allow for a larger angle. A larger angle will allow me to see all of you in the frame and means we don’t spend time adjusting the camera during your session. Alternately a small clip-on lens can do the trick for tablets.

    Have a tablet? Grab a tripod to keep it stable while still enabling the ability to tilt it as you move around.

    Check our props page for easy Amazon links for these

  • Clear a space where you can comfortably lay down and move your arms and legs as though you were making a snow angel.

    If you need to push a coffee table out of the way, or slide the couch over, it’s a good idea to put in that minimal effort. Your experience will be much better if you aren’t worrying about knocking a lamp over.

    Take a moment before class or your session to securely set up your screen so it’s in a place you can easily see it from the floor or standing.

    To enable me to see you best, be sure you are not directly in front of a window or similarly silhouetted in bright light coming from behind.

    Do you need fitness equipment for your session or series? Check our props page for everything you need!

  • Have you eaten today? Do you need some water? Is the temperature OK?

    Would it help you to transition to our session or class together if you lit a candle or created a place in your home that is always for your workouts?

    Consider keeping all your fitness props in one place so you don’t need to look for them.

    How would you want to set up this space if you were doing it for someone else?

    Is it a space you like to be in? If not, choose a different space, even outside can work!

    Be sure you are free from distractions such as TV, noise, pets and people who may want your attention. This is YOUR time and you deserve the peace and quiet!