Financially Fit with Financial Gym Founder Shannon Mclay Pt 2


Please enjoy part 2 of my conversation with Shannon! I am incredibly grateful for the support I've received from FinGym. So many of us struggle with our relationship to money, just as we do with food or our bodies, and these struggles are connected to each other through access, privilege, education and class. Big thanks to Shannon for breaking the mold and starting a company that seeks to help all of us with our finances.. not just those who already have access to the support money can buy. 

If you would like to get support from Financial Gym you can sign up at

follow FinGym here:

If you want to work with a Certified Financial Trainer to help navigate your finances, schedule a free warm-up call today! For a discount on your first month feel free to use my name! Cadence Dubus

This is kind of an advertisement episode because it is.. I can't recommend FinGym enough for getting control of and empowered by your finances.


The Strait Jacket of Fat Phobia with Author Kate Manne


Financially Fit with Financial Gym Founder Shannon Mclay