Authentic Joy with Social Media Influencer Michelle Osbourne Aka Uncomfortable Bliss


Today I’m speaking with Michelle Osbourne, social media influencer, speaker the person who sent my recent reel into the stratosphere by stiching it!
We go deep discussing Michelle's journey to the authentic life she has created, what Uncomfortable Bliss really means, and the emotional intelligence it takes to stay grounded in joy.
Find Michelle on
instagram here and TikTok here.
Reach out to her for brand consultation and speaking engagements at her
website here

For more, watch our instagram live conversation here

If you are interested in working with me LIVE VIRTUAL this is the last week to sign up for my January offerings.

Coaching programs:

Nourish Yourself starts this Saturday!

Virtual Run Club starts Monday!

7 Week Inclusive Self-Paced Fitness Series





Menopause with Somatic Healer and Teacher Jennifer Sokolov


All Bodies Are Running Bodies with Virtual Run CLub C0-Host Rachel Spurrier