Nourish Yourself with food and recipe writer Christina Chaey


Today I finally get a chance to talk to food and recipe writer (and former senior editor at Bon Appetit!) Christina Chaey!

Christina and I also co-host the Nourish Yourself program together! We discuss how she got into food, why it matters to her to be part of a program like Nourish Yourself and how her relationship to her body and food has changed as she has learned more about truly listening to, and taking care of herself. We also discuss freedom via peanut butter and the time I fainted because I was a silly twenty-year old who didn't know any better than bubble tea for lunch. 

Find everything about Christina here @seechaey including updates on her upcoming BOOK!

Learn about our co-hosted program NOURISH YOURSELF here. 

Early Bird opens via email only Dec 25th. Get on the waitlist to save $100!



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A Q&A with Cadence and food writer Christina Chaey