
Plank: Workshop

Planks are everywhere from Hiit classes to Yoga and yet...when has anyone ever taught you how to do one? In this class we will spend 45 minutes deep diving on planks and duh duh duh PUSH-UPS! Truly my favorite move to teach! By the end of class you will have a solid understanding of these deceptively simple seeming moves. Most importantly you will have the CONFIDENCE to approach them in whatever circumstance they might appear.

This is an ALL LEVELS mini-workshop designed to hone your form strengthen your technique.

So many of us think push-ups are beyond our capabilities when really we’ve never been taught how to approach them.

During this pre-recorded virtual workshop I will discuss anatomy, form, and make room for plenty of practice! (don’t worry, it’s not push-ups for 45 minutes straight!)

You will have access to the recording for 30 days after purchase.