Partners Fascia Release™
💖 Encourage consistent, mutual, self-care at home. 💖
During this 75 minute Couples Fascia Release™ partners will learn to massage and mobilize their partner as well as receive.
We will playfully discuss technique and learn easy routines using a foam roller and our hands.
Get skills to effectively relieve tight shoulders, low backs and feet.
All friends, roommates, lovers and loved ones welcome.
You will need a foam roller to fully enjoy this workshop although there will be ‘prop-less’ options as well.
Want to buy one? CLICK HERE
Encourage consistent, mutual self-care at home.
Encourage consistent, mutual self-care at home.
Purchase Partners Fascia Release
Live Virtual Workshop
Price is one for couple
Recording access for 30 days
Friends, roomates, lovers and loved ones welcome!
What IS Fascia?
Fascia is the structural tissue that gives our bodies its shape. Without it, we’d be like jello trying to stick to a Popsicle figure. It gives our muscles tensile strength, our joints stability, our tissue buoyancy and our body’s resilience. It can also creates scars, adhesion and sticky stuck places that inhibit our flexibility and shift our bone structure into painful asymmetries.