Brooklyn Strength

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Done That, Choosing Not To

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I'm so excited to finally have this episode out. Alex Auder is an actor, a writer and an incredible Yoga Teacher, part of a very specific OG niche of the NY Yoga scene. Her book, Don't Call Me Home is out now.

This episode gets both personal and very NY-yoga-world-insider-y as she and I reminisce about our beginnings in the movement world, the loose boundaries of our childhood upbringings, and a topic I've been desperate to discuss - how in the world any of us can practice Yoga when pretty much every major Yoga teacher has been "Me-too-ed".

Also please forgive that the first 20 minutes of the episode Alex's mic wasn't connecting so she sounds a bit muffled, my producer hopped on and fixed it and the rest of the interview she's crystal clear.

Alex is a brilliant, hilarious, wonderful guest and the author of the memoir, Don't Call Me Home. I highly recommend it and her extremely rare classes that pop up at Kula Yoga. You can also follow Alex on her Instagram account where hopefully she will grace us with more performance art soon.

I hope you enjoy this episode as much as I did. As always please subscribe, like, share and leave a review. It helps get this podcast listened to.

Mentioned in this episode:

We are both fans of Kevin Bigger - stream his Yoga classes HERE

Read the New Yorker article about the Guru Alex mentions HERE

We fan on Rodney Yee

And Judith Lasater is still out teaching the good stuff HERE!

Read about Alex and the Chelsea Hotel HERE

Busy Body Podcast is produced by Brad Parson of Train Sound Studio

Music, She's a Wise One, by Robert Bryn, performed by the Wild Yaks